WC 2003 2

I was assigned to the all female work crew, which was told that our job was to paint a house pink and purple.  Of course the first thing that came to our minds was Barbie pink and purple, but we soon discovered the color was more of a salmon and dusty purple.

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These are the infamous lattice shutters.  It took longer to paint the shutters and lattice porch than the entire house, thanks to trying to paint dark purple over white.

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When we arrived, the house was an interesting shade of brown, so anything was going to be an improvement.

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The doll of our worksite, Ethan (pronounced in Kentucky as AAAthan), who kept us company as we worked, ate lunch with us, and would always ask if we wanted help.

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Ummm, yeah.  Julie and Ali had a little too much fun with the fact that I said they could paint me.  Then Billy Bob took it even farther.  At least now I have a beautiful bull's-eye on my overalls now.

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Well, our dear crew leader Bill, known to us as Billy Bob, took pride in the fact that he was clean.  Well, Ali decided that had to change...

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and resulted in our only injury for the whole week, a little cut that somehow required 5 band aids from our esteemed Ma Spitz (slogan: I'm a nurse, I can handle it).

So we discovered that almost nobody in Kentucky has a "normal" driveway.  It takes four wheel drive to get up a lot of these hills, like the driveway at our house.

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Of course, when the school busses drive up the mountains backwards, this would seem fairly tame (yes, the school busses really do drive up the mountains backwards, we saw it with our own eyes and pinched ourselves just to make sure it was real).

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Well, if you don't like the driveway you can always climb up the stairs after parking on the very edge of a steep drop.

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One of the strangest local sights was the popularity of creating USA and flags out of disposable plastic cups.

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On Thursday we finished painting right before the rainstorm hit.

